Monday, June 29, 2009


My Dr changed my meds back down because it was making me to tired. I was such a zombie for the first six hours of my day. After one day of the lower dose, I decided to stop taking it. I felt great. I cleaned out Kiora's basement (your welcome). And cleaned my whole corner of the basement also. Kiora asked me what was going on. I thought it was great. I felt like my old self. All productive. Than she found out I was taking my meds the way I was supposed to. Not a smart thing. I only gave it one day, my body wasn't use to the change yet. So back on the right stuff and now Kiora has to give me the meds. Sorry Kiora. I never thought someone cared that much. Maybe that is some of my issues. Oh my pshycologist is going to love Friday......


  1. I am happy to go with you to your session this week, but I would assume you don't really don't want me there. I will leave telling him up to you.

  2. Honey deep breath, you have to give them a chance. While you will have those productive days when you don't take them you will have more bad days.
