Sunday, August 23, 2009


We sold our house in Glenrock and moved to Casper. We sold, moved, and closed in 3 weeks. I think that is a record. So I've been a little busy. I managed to get one of my best friends mad at me, dig a 2 foot square hole in my back yard to pump the sewage, paint the floor in the laundry room, clean out a garage (with husband), and go back to Denver to see my doctor to change my medication a little bit. I also ran out of Ativan (helps me sleep) for 2 days. The first night wasn't to bad but the second night it wasn't until 4am that I got to sleep. Wow when I type it all out I realize how much I really did. So hopefully I will give better updates from now on. My goal is to share my experiances as I see them.